

Gina Mccauley

HI!  I’m Lennie (the good-lookin’ tall one). 

And, I’m Bruce (the round, smart one)! 

We are the official Snooter-doot Ambassadors.  We travel around with Mama Snooter looking for new folks to share the Snooter experience with.  We’ve been known to have a few ‘misadventures’ and we’ll share some of those with you later.  But, for now, we thought we’d start at the beginning – what’s a Snooter-doot and where did they come from. 

A Snooter-doot is a hip, happy, huggable stuffie that is handmade by Mama Snooter.  She knits them all to shape with 100% wool yarn, then wet-felts them in the washing machine (we’ll tell you more about that later too, it’s quite magical).  She stuffs them with fiberfill – quite firmly so they are more like soft sculptures.  She then needle-felts their signature eyes on, gives them each a name, birthday, and story, and puts them up for adoption. 

Snooter-doots are anything you want them to be: a beloved, heirloom stuffie, a toy for kids of all ages, a delightful décor piece, or a whimsical best friend (we listen very well, and don’t talk back). 

Our mission is to inspire smiles (and don’t we all need more of those these days!), to generate joy, and to look really cool on your couch.  We are a handmade collectible for the young, and, the young at heart! 

We all showed up in Snooterville Junction about nine years ago (we’ve been around for ages, just not out and about).  Mama Snooter was selling her felted hats and purses at a local farmers market, and after staring at the vegetable stand across the aisle all day, she decided she could try to make a carrot.  That's what we were waiting for and the rest, as they say, is history. 

So, come along with us on this grand adventure (be sure to join our SnooterFolk family by signing up for our newsletter). You just never know what will happen next...people stop by for chats, sometimes we'll share a recipe or joke. We hear there's even a contest coming up...

Thanks for stopping by, we're glad to meet you! 

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